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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Frugal Crafting

Pin It I love crafts. I used to get all twitchy with messy things but I learned to let go of that sometime after #2 came along, and now with #4 I find I enjoy it even more. I am always on the look out for cheap ideas or ideas using things we already have. I have found the $1+ bins at Joann's to be a pretty good source for this. We picked up these bird houses at Joann's for $1 a piece and we already had the paint.

We already had the paints so this craft cost us a whole $4 I had to giggle because my 6 year old assumed birds can read and wrote "bird in" on the side so they know to eat their lol.


  1. Looks like a great time, I love their dollar bins too. : )..

    1. Me too, it's 100x worse if I take the kids they always convince me of atleast 10 more things I need to buy 4 of lol!

  2. I got some of these as well - could not resist the $1 price tag and have been wondering how we should paint them.Love how bright and colorful your turned out. Vicky from

    1. Thanks for stopping by Vicky! The only paints we use are Red, yellow & green, + black and white. I got them the color mixing trays a while back and have really been encouraging mixing paints to make their own colors. Some times we step outside of that box but its really neat to see them using their trays like little artists!


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